26 November 2008

Less about Turk more about thank

Post a comment, the first thoughts that come to your mind about Gratitude
I will be speaking about Gratitude this sunday in sacrament.

P.s. I don't know your email mike? Help a sista out


CarrieMarie said...

i seriously just posted a blog about this, too. LOL

i'm grateful for my salvation first & foremost. then for my family, my parents & aunts & uncles & grandparents who taught me about love. then my friends, who taught me even more about love! : )

Amy said...

I'm thankful you made your new blog private so creepy mike (whoever that is) can't see it! He he! Really just read my thankful list down the side of my blog, that pretty much covers it! Good luck with the talk, what a great subject!

Rachel said...

Jenny, I just posted a Thanksgiving blog, so for my thoughts I would say check out my blog. Nothing big, but what I have been thinking a lot about lately. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you for just being you.

McKeeth said...

I'm thankful I was taught about gratitude. I'm grateful for you.